Teeth are very important of body and life

This isn’t the time for an autograph now the time of the photograph. So need to be good smile when taking a photo. Teeth are very important of body and life. We are may not think about this. This is the very helpful way we eat any food. This is keeping up mind-blowing fresh and beautiful face. If we don’t care about our teeth we will miss that one of time. So if we awake of this part we can get white shine teeth.

What reason teeth prevented and erosion:

Tobacco all product, tea, coffee, cigarette, Kari and drink they are the main reason for worsted your teeth. It’s had to give up your teethed wine and black. Black color juice, black fruits, tasty juice as jam rash berry can decrease your teeth white and make so many bacteria. Chocolate, chewing gum and sweet can make your teeth fragment and have to be erosion. So we should be taking care of our teeth well balance process.

When we can do for smiling teeth:

care of your teeth
1. Children dental care:  A research says that “every 4 children of one child erosion her teeth in childhood.  Teenage as twelve - fifteen-year children have teeth carriage. When teeth rise generally it’s basic time of six months. Scientists say that “Event in time need to give your children flamed cloth or soft brush. When your child crossed two years, please encouraged him and put a teeth brush on their hand. But you have to scare him with your hand and your own eye.

2. Fischer Cylinder: Children permanent teeth come on the stage when he crossed 6 years. In time you can pack your child teeth by Fischer cylinder. A discussion board notifies that “A Fischer cylinder prevent erosion well”.

3. Fluoride use regularly: This is very important to prevent your teeth erosion. If you used regularly fluoride on your teeth it can help build your strong teeth and protect carriage.  Developed all country likely UK US most of the people use fluoride for teeth protection. Dental care has been playing an important role by use fluoride paste.  So use to try fluoride toothpaste for your dental health.

4. Daily brushing and use medical tips: Disease of the teeth and gum are the main problem for human life. This problem isn’t only for adult, every three of fourth people suffering gum and disease of the blood.

American Dental Association (ADA) gives some rules for teeth:

@Per day: One year time you have needed to be changing your brush three or four times. If your brush fiber bent you should take the new brush.

care of your teeth
@ As people used dental protection or copied teeth that can use special toothpaste.

@ Older people with her arthritis or have to feel physical problem he can select for they are teeth care electronic brush.

5. Mouth washing by strategic and care of face:

Beside of brushing have a special way to take care f teeth by mouth germicidal mouthwash. You can eat sugar-free chewing gum for keeping fresh mouth. Our teeth every time feel dangerous point for bacteria. If you maintain overall way that’s can decrease your bacteria easily.

Gymnast works up building our body but evenly face accident could be the main issue for our health. So need to focus on this section. Please avoid smoking and maintain your nutritious well balanced. Of your face very much problem you also need to discuss with a dental medical doctor. They can give your best suggestions for your health.

After all, health is wealth we abide that. But we can’t maintain any process carefully. So at first, we have to focus on our opportunities. That’s the way we can grow our success.  A beautiful smile comes at this point when you get your success. So need to a beautiful smile. And if you want to that you should maintain the overall process.