Rajiv Hari Om Bhatia Now Bollywood King

Akshay Kumar- recent world

Rajiv Hari Om Bhatia his nicked name Akshay Kumar.  He was born into a middle-class family in Punjab at Amritsar city. He has arrived blackball in Taekwondo.  Then he was learned Marcello in Malaysia. He was learned Meithei at Thailand. Then someday he would work as a waiter in Bangladesh at a restaurant.  Some of the day he was work in Kolkata. When he has come to Mumbai, he was teaching some of student Marcella. One day, his one of student family proposes to as shoot a model in furniture. For that shoot, he got 5000 rupees. This income for one shoots more than Akshay one month salary. 

Akshay Kumar- recent world
He was seen by modeling only 2 hours he has to income one month salary. In this road, he built his career as a model. Today his property amount 150 million dollars. As Indian rupees, it was 973 cores. The present he has to take per movie 25 core or more in Bollywood world. He is only one an actor as he would maintain discipline and doing healthy lead. He was arriving patent by his own power. So let we know about his something that can help us.

  1. Be Professionalism

One of the people said that when your 11 movies serially flop but how can you up to create a superhero? Akshay laughed and replied to this question. Not only 11 movies, serially 16 movies have to be flop. He also said good looking and good acting isn’t better than professional. I had to maintain all discipline as I have to come a right time in the studio. I had abided director all indication. I have believed if anybody maintains that he got success one of time. 

2. Patience and Hard Work Both are Important: 

Worker like Akshay Kumar that’s not enough. You have to need patience and need to perfect time Akshay Kumar said an interview, He would have shared a turning point. One time he was proposing of Bangalore some of the reason he had missed this flight.  In this evening time, he attended Notataj Theater one of makeup man said that Are you want Hero? Akshay was agreed by his proposal.  He is now Akshay Kumar personal makeup man. He has met up him with director Pramod Chakravorty. Pramod Chakravorty has seen his portfolio picture and says that Very good picture and he would be replied are you want to Hero? Akshay was agreed with his proposal. In that time Pramod Chakravorty sign with an agreement as it 5000 rupees. If Akshay has to go by this flight, He doesn’t get this chance. 

3. Be healthy Be fit:

An interview said that how the way he was completed 4 movies work in a year he was replied, His discipline give him boosting in his work. As an example, he went sleep at 10:00 PM must so wake up early in morning and start a day by exercise as jogging, swimming or meditation. And one of the important topic he hasn’t drunk alcohol and doesn’t try to take alcohol.

4. Love your country very much: 

Akshay has to work for country besides his acting. For example, he does work for sports development. We don’t have about idea Ice hockey team. There don’t get promoted to a fund. Akshay Kumar would give 2core money for development this team. One of the interviews, Akshay Kumar says that if he weren’t an actor, he should attend with Indian navy or Indian army. The forgiving ideas of Akshay, India Govt. create a website https://www.bharatkeveer.gov.in for help India Martyr. He was joining with helped how much time. For that reason, India President gives him the award of "Padmashree" in 2009

I hope this article must be increasing your motivation because it also says about life be hard some of the points. If you want to succeed you should be maintained up all idea. Please stay with me and share this so much for increase your IQ.